Camping Anyone?

    I'm known to be a lover of the tropics, you might even say I'm obsessed....I was just thinking a few weeks back that I've been to many beautiful islands in the South Pacific but the Caribbean has eluded me, I must go! Well, what do you know I've stumbled upon a list of top ten affordable vacations and #1 was camping on St. John's in the U.S. Virgin Islands. (U.S. citizens can go sans passport)

    It's amazingly affordable, said to be one of the most tranquil islands on earth and looks absolutely glorious (well maybe not glorious to all you surfers out there but for the pure rum loving beach bums it seems heavenly). Here's a link to Maho Bay Camps, an eco-friendly resort with seasonal rates ranging from $39 for campsites to $160 for super chic eco-tents and cottages, let's just say I'm in.

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Camping Anyone?

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Scott Schuman...

    The Sartorialist is single handedly changing the way the world looks at fashion today. Scott Schuman has become the new it style icon of our time and continues to deepen our understanding of what fashion is and what it means to be stylish. Here is a link to an interview he did on KCRW's Treatment Room with Elvis Mitchell on February 10th 2010.

    It's an amazing and insightful 28 minutes where we learn about his upbringing, how it effects what he's really capturing with his camera and how sharp of a mindful eye he holds. His photos are more than fashion photos, they incorporate the essence of the individuals with whom he shares with the world. I loved it, enjoy.
    (Photo Christopher Peterson)

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Scott Schuman...

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Milan Fashion Week

    Prada Coat to die for...
    (photo by Davide Maestri)

    Italy is extra chic this week as the cat walks of Milan are on fire with the likes of D&G, Gucci,
    Fendi, etc. Here's a link to WWD's wrap up of what's been shown so far at Milan Fashion Week. There's still three days left, I'm excited to keep checking in on the other fabulousness that will prevail.

    Here are a few looks from Krizia that I love....

    (photos by Mauricio Miranda)

    and here are a few images from one of my FAVORITE lines Sportmax.

    (I will be dreaming of this one)
    (photos by Mauricio Miranda)

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Milan Fashion Week

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Coco Chanel...

    I cannot think of a better way to start my blog than to pay tribute to the one person who has inspired me the most, Coco Chanel. I saw her biography last year and was awe struck at her life story. Abandoned at a young age, she learned to sew at the Roman Catholic Orphanage she lived in from ages 12 -18. As an adult she began working as a cabaret singer and then found her way as a seamstress. She sewed and created from the streets to the runway with strength, determination and pure gumption (and with a little help from a few rich lovers....).

    She took French Fashion by storm taking women out of corsets and into jersey. She was constantly thinking out of the box, created the number one perfume to date and gave birth to the "little black dress" in need of something to wear to her lover's funeral. She had numerous affairs with many influential men and when asked why she never married it is said that there are many wives of famous men but only one Coco Chanel, only one indeed.

    Here are my favorite looks from Spring 10 which is only three weeks away!

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Coco Chanel...

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