iLe AiYE

    This is for one of my other bff's in the world Ashley Davis (amazing woman, artist, designer, insane surfer, filmaker, hilarous human...)  I was just at her house Saturday night and the gorgeous Texas native was saying she has quite a plight in the Cali summer, she's used to 80 degree nights and the upper 60's here just aren't cutting it for her to enjoy a fun summer wardrobe once the sun sets.  I'm with her on this and suggested we wear our slinky clothes with sexy wraps, she agreed, told me to blog about it and what do you know without even thinking of our converstation the very next morning I find one of the BEST wrap/shrug stores on Etsy.  iLe Aiye is the perfect solution to our problem, this self taught knitter from London is divine, I want like 4 things now and seriously everything looks very Ashley (including the last picture, I could swear it's her modeling....)  Check out all iLe Aiye creations here and to those of you who have the same problem as us let's get summery and cozy in 2010.....

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iLe AiYE

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